Will it be the best chicken you've ever had? Most say YES! The sunshine, fresh air, and greens the animals get on a daily basis truly change the characteristics of the chicken. You'll find our chicken to be extremely flavorful, juicy, and tender. Chicken skin is a drastically different color than birds not living on pasture. Save the carcass to make some of the best chicken stock you've ever had.
We purchase baby chicks and raise them indoors until they have a full set of feathers, when it is then safe to move them outside to our pastures. They spend their days chasing bugs, sun-basking, and eating clovers and grasses they find. Photos are actual pictures of our chicken - and our birds on pasture. Our Livestock Guardian Dog, Bill, watches over them so that owls, hawks, and coyotes don't make a meal out of them. Our birds are moved frequently to ensure they always have fresh green pasture. As chickens require high protein, we also supplement their diets with feed we blend ourselves. This is comprised of:
- Peanut Meal
- Sunflower Meal
- Non-GMO Corn
- Organic Soy Beans
- Organic Soy Bean Meal
Several sizes are available:
- SMALL (3.4 - 3.8 LB)
- MEDIUM (3.9 - 4.3 LB
- LARGE (5.0 - 5.5 LB)
- X-LARGE (6.0 - 6.5 LB)
- JUMBO (6.6 - 7.1 LB)
Pasture Raised Chicken
Chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165F. We recommend letting your bird thaw in the refrigerator. After thawed, let your chicken rest in the refrigerator 24-48 hours prior to cooking.